Sarah Welch
Welcome to Ospreys Class!
Osprey class is one of four year 6 classes at Brampton Ellis Primary School. The class teacher is Miss Welch and the children are also well supported by the teaching assistants, including Mrs Sykes, Mrs Walling and Mrs Hinchcliffe.
Continuing the theme which runs throughout school, the classroom ethos is Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We promote being kind and polite to both children and adults in the class, being responsible and continuing to try our best, even when things are challenging. We regularly recap our learning, to help us to remember it and develop a positive, responsible attitude and resilience towards learning. Our R.E. and PSHE topics also build upon developing tolerance, respect, responsibility.
Outdoor P.E. is usually on a Monday afternoon. Indoor P.E. is usually on a Tuesday afternoon. We recommend that children have their P.E. kits in school every day.
Throughout the autumn term, the topic is about the environment and plastic pollution, with focuses on the U.K. and the Philippines. The class novel is ‘Trash.’
During the spring term, the topic is World War II and examines aspects such as technological advancement, rationing and evacuees. The class novel for this topic is Letters from the Lighthouse.
The final topic in the summer term is ‘Ancient Egypt’ and will encourage the children to consider the developments in archaeology. The class novel will be ‘The Red Pyramid.’