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Information For Parents


Our office can be reached on 01709 760370 between the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm. General queries from parents and other members of the public will be dealt with by a member of our office staff below.


Julie Fenton
School Business Manager



Ashleigh Turner
Admin Assistant


Emma Harris_edited_edited.png

Emma Harris 
Admin Assistant


Our School Day

For FS1, the morning session starts at 8:30am and finishes at 11:30am. The afternoon session starts at 12:00pm and finishes at 3:00pm

For FS2, Y1 & Y2, school starts at 8:30am and finishes at 3:00pm

For Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6, school starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20pm

After School Clubs


Letters Home

Click the links to download our latest letters home.

Introduction to Attendance

Free School Meals

You Said, We Did - Parent Questionnaire Feedback

Letter logo_edited.png

Click on the Button to go to the Healthier Together website for South Yorkshire.  The site has clear guidance for parents about whether to send their child to school when they aren't well, as well as lots of other useful information about health services in the area.

School Uniform

Every child is expected to come in school uniform each day. Children may wear plain uniform or uniform with the school logo.  School uniform is no longer ordered through the office. Anyone wishing to purchase school logo clothing can do so: online at or you can call into the shop. Prestige Printers, 106a Church Street, Swinton. S64 8DQ. Tel: 01709 580100. 

Please mark all your child's clothing with his/her name. Any items that are misplaced can then be easily returned.


Girls: White or blue blouse/polo shirt , grey or black skirt/pinafore/trousers/leggings, blue cardigan/ sweater, sensible black shoes or plain black trainers. 

Boys: White or blue shirt/polo shirt, grey/black trousers/knee-length shorts, and blue sweater, sensible black shoes or plain black trainers.


PE Uniform

Plain white t-shirt, blue or black shorts for Indoor PE and blue or black leggings/joggers and trainers for Outdoor PE.  If your child is wearing trainers as part of their school uniform, they must have trainers to change into for Outdoor PE to minimise the spread of mud/dirt.  Girls may choose to wear plain black leotards or PE skirts, if they wish.  

For hygiene purposes your child will need to have a sports kit in school Monday to Friday.  Please do not allow your child to bring large sports bags to school, as we cannot offer storage facilities for such large items. Please note that P.E. is a statutory subject and all children must participate.



Wristwatches are permitted but any additional features such as messaging, recording, internet access MUST be disabled, during the school day.  

Only stud earrings are permitted in school and children must remove or cover them during PE sessions.  


Further Guidance 

Whilst we recognise the desire for children to be fashionable, smart and tidy, some hairstyles can be a distraction in school. We ask for your support in sending your child to school with an acceptable hairstyle.


Nail varnish or false nails and Makeup must not to be worn in school. â€‹

Lost Property

The school cannot accept responsibility for personal items at school.  Please speak to the class teacher and the school office regarding any missing property.  If your child brings home the wrong article of clothing by mistake we would appreciate it if you could ensure that it is returned to school at the earliest convenience. We kindly ask that you write your child's name on the tag / label in their coats, jumpers, cardigans and polo tops etc. 


Purchase Uniform Online


Uniform Policy

School Meals

School meals are served daily with a four option menu

Menu 2024

Forms and Documents

Please click on the links below to access the forms or documents sometimes required in school.  The forms can be brought into school by an adult or a child or attached to an email and sent to the address given in our contacts section.

General Permissions

Parental Agreement to Administer Medicine

Leave of Absence Request Form

Request for Child to Carry Medicine

Nursery Application Form

Children Adopted from Care Letter to Parents

Luna Consent

School Sport Competitons

All children are actively encouraged to participate within a wide range of organised competitions. You can keep up to date with all our schools sport competitions throughout both KS1 & KS2 here. In previous academic years we have managed to support children in their first experience in competitive sport as well as having children reach district finals within certain competitions.

View our School Sports Competitions

Recent Competitions

SIAMS Inspection Report

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s outworking of the requirements of section 48 of the Education Act 2005. It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England. 

Brampton Ellis SIAMS Inspection Report

Please click on the letter to the right to read about our acheivement.

School Games - Gold for 2022/2023


ECO4 FLEX is a retrofit scheme overseen by Rotherham Council Metropolitan Borough. It aims to improve the energy efficiency of low income and vulnerable households.

You may be eligible if:

·       Your gross household income of less than £31,000.


·       You meet at least two of the several proxies listed online. (One is free school meals)


·       Can obtain an NHS referral due to long term illness that could be affected by a cold home.


Only properties with a home EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) of band D or lower can qualify for this scheme (E or lower for private rentals).


Click on the flyer to view it full size.

ECO4-FLEX - Flyer A5 1pp 2024.jpg
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